Thursday, September 07, 2006

Teacher's Day is fast approaching, and both students and teachers are looking forward to going to school for only half the day again on the 28th. No classes. Yippee. But Teacher's Day is actually more than just the wonderful day off from school. As the name implies, "Teacher's Day" is actually about our TEACHERS.

We mostly take our teachers for granted, thinking that they are only ther, teaching us, because they're supposed to. But that's really not the way it is. Teachers teach by choice. Our teachers could have been doctors, astronauts, writers, lawyers, and the occasional skydivers, but instead, they chose to face hard-headed students like us everyday.

Teachers are wonderful. They do so much for us. Most of us can't even stop our knees from shaking when asked to answer simple questions while standing next to our seats. We'd probably drop dead if we had to teach in front of a whole class, fifty minutes per period, more than eight hours per day. But how come they can do it? Truth is, some teachers may not be that comfortable being in front of a class, especially the new teachers, but they breathe deeply couple of times before going into the classroom, and draw out all the courage they have in order to face their fears. they know there are minds inside those four walls that have nothing in them yet, save for swirling clouds and perhaps a few things that might pass off as flies, and they conquer their fears to fill these minds with Shakespeare's works, the laws of Physics, the history of the world, and so many other things.

Teachers not only fill our minds, though. teachers also fuel our hearts to work for our dreams, to live our dreams. Have you ever thought about how teachers always seem to expect much from us? They pressure us, ask high grades from us, and we tend to feel like they're expecting too much from us. They ask for us to do well in school. But when we truly try, through their motivation, to reach this goal, we make it. Teachers, then, give us direction. They help us fly without us really knowing it. They help design our wings to lift us off the ground and into the sky.

This Teacher's Day, learn to appreciate your teachers. All they are, they are giving to you. What have you been giving them? Eyes averted from the board, ears bloacking the sound of their voices, minds set to not understanding? Give them more than that. So much more.

- Rachel Kate CastaƱares
SC Secretary

Saturday, August 12, 2006

A month has passed since we talked about building a website/blog for the student body, and so far the work has gone quite slow, mainly because the team is so caught up in their "other" responsibilities that they have no more time to work on the website. However, the layout for the site has been made, and the work-in-progress website has already been uploaded to true Sacred Hearters, we continue each and every day to realize this simple goal of delivering a blogsite especially for the Sacred Heart School-Jesuit Student Body. We are currently trying our best to speed up work, and the with the help of D.I.S.C. coordinator Jonas Enriquez, we will hopefully be able to present a working site for all the Hearters out there.

Then again, feel free to send in your comments to Your feedbacks will be responded to immediately.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

SY 2005-2006 marked the first year the SHS-J Student Council published a student blog, a site where Hearters could voice out almost anything they wanted, from the traditional "libak" to praises and adoration for "people". Now, that site was maintained by two(yeah, just 2) people. Yet they were capable of creating a blogsite that was applicable to all students of SHS-J, even outsiders included. So, this year, the SC together with Mr. Jonas Enriquez, decided to form another blog team and put up a new and improved blogsite which was dedicated to adapt to an average Hearter's needs, while keeping teachers and authorities out.

This year, the team aims to cater to the needs of the student body, both male and female, and to present a blogsite that's purely and clearly a Sacred Hearters product. While there may be problems along the way, we hope the student body can assist us in any way they can, since we are making this site entirely for them. We will be constantly updating the site, should we have any free time. But rest assured, we will be doing the best that we can.

The website is currently under construction, but things are going smoothly. For those of you who want to give us a hand, share some ideas of site features, or simply want to badmouth the site, then feel free to e-mail us at

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